I've noticed that a lot people tend to make top lists for live action movie adaptions they want to see. But what about the opposite, I mean surely there must some good animated they could get out this. I heard that Tron Uprising was supposed to be fantastic even though Disney XD only shows the program once a month, as for reboots I'll post a list on that later.
So here is my top 6 in no particular order of things I want to see get adapted to animation and please feel free to comment and PM your thoughts on what I should add to this list, maybe then I'll make another one of these, this is my first non pokemon top _ list so I still have no idea what the hell I'm doing.
5. Wreck it Ralph - Like The Incredibles, there is so much I want to see about this universe, seeing more video game characters, having a whole bunch a video game characters, this could be the ultimate TV show for seeing video game characters in action, only problem would the fact we'd still probably have to focus on Ralph since he was the main character, now I'm not saying he's a bad character I just have to say he could draw away focus from other characters. I can totally see plots for this episode being about arcades vs home gaming or portable gaming and one winner can come out.
4. Star Fox - I don't get why Nintendo doesn't totally sell out for this franchise because it could totally work. Now this is the only video game on the list, I'm too sure myself if any Sony or Microsoft characters deserve there own shows, I think the game Pong deserves there own show more the Viva Pinata did. Star Fox does seem to deserve more then any others though, this series could work like a Star Trek like series but for kids and furries and a lot of awesome air jet fighting, which isn't done to often in my opinion. Plus it'd work great for all the characters who have such distinct personalities we could even have a psychological side digging into Fox McCloud's back story with his father.
3. Pirates of the Caribbean - I really don't understand Disney. Why the heck do they market violent series to children? Not to mention the films are incredibly long. So why not kill two birds with one stone? I keep hearing rumors about how they will make an animated but they all turn up false. This would be the perfect excuse to make even more Pirates of the Caribbean toys then there already are. The movies are also incredibly long with there huge cast of characters so the possibilities are completely endless. The only issue I have is who will they have to replace Cap. Jack Sparrow, clearly they could not get Johnny Depp do voice him and has such a unique quality to him, but then again he's Jack Sparrow anyone could easily do an impression of him and the already got Elijah "freaking" Wood for Tron Uprising so I am not to concerned.
2. Young Avengers - For those of you who don't know Young Justice is probably my favorite series on TV right now. This short lived 2005 comic is basically said to be Marvel's answer the other short lived comic Young Justice. However the difference is, for such a short series these comics are quite good, they are well rounded, well thought out and the characters are amazing. You seriously think Marvel would have had these guys appear in Ultimate Spiderman as part of the team rather pulling then pulling a random character out of the freaking ass, don't worry I'll get to that show. That also brings up my main concern, right now Marvel has zero sense of direction of what they want out of there programs along with there goals, there's honestly some way they could mess this up. However I think there's still chance, maybe in a one shot episode of Avenger's Assemble since they do play a pretty important part of there storylines in the skull invasion. The main issue would be getting away with what they do in the comics, two members of team are gay for each other and another has a metaphorical drug addiction but I think they could find a way to get away with it.
1. Deadpool - However there is one exception of an adaption that could actually work right now because it barely requires any direction, sort of. Let me start off by saying this I haven't read to many of his comics but right now kind of seems like the right time. Needless to say Deadpool is probably one of Marvel's most comical characters almost like a satire of other Superheroes. All I have to ask from them though, DON'T HAVE HIS MOUTH STAPLED LIKE RYAN RENOLDS IN THE MOVIE. What might be even better would be if we could get a more adult Deadpool cartoon that could be ultra violent and air on FX, Adult Swim some crappy network I dare not to mention. NOW THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN, however a kids show might work call me crazy if you have to. Have the production team of Ultimate Spiderman work on this show I don't care just do it. Either way I expect it to be better then Ultimate Spiderman because it's not hard to top! Only problem the guy could kind of gets old fast so they should be like 10 or 15 minutes shorts along with a relatively short run. Also anyone find it ironic how right now DC is having failures bringing there expanded movies to popularity enjoyed by audiences while there TV series are widely excepted by all. While Marvel's movie are widely excepted the TV shows are rejected by fans but still successful.
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